'Till Ink Meets Paper: A Night of Poetry
"This book isn’t just a collection of poems; it’s a testament to the power of a mother’s love, a tribute to my mom, Guendalina, who instilled in me the love for the arts that helped me find myself, my voice, and my purpose while we both were imprisoned on Rikers Island" -- Jose Ángel Perez.

Out of the Hat
matched by random draw
Loosely inspired by the prompt “magic”

Soirée in the Sky
Please join us on Monday, October 21st at 6:30pm at The Workshop Theater's SOIREE IN THE SKY Fundraiser! It's going to be a fantastic evening in a gorgeous venue (on the 29th floor of One Vanderbilt) featuring delicious food by local French chef Zoe Deleu, copious beverages, live performances of some of our past, present and future work by some very special guests, beautiful views of midtown Manhattan, fun auction items and more!

Charlene Jean, The Workshop Theater, Iconic Vizion Productions and En Garde Arts, are pleased to present the reading of BRICKS, written by Charlene Jean, directed by Chesray Dolpha and featuring music co-composed by Jean and Franklin Rankin.

The 21st Annual Will-a-Thon "For Thy Sweet Love Remembr'red"
Conceived and Directed by Charles E. Gerber
“For Thy Sweet Love Rememb’red” ...an offering of Scenes, Sonnets, and Songs of LOVE.

The 21st Annual Will-a-Thon "Will's Way"
Conceived and Directed by Charles E. Gerber
“Will’s Way” ...a night of Scenes, Speeches, and Soliloquies featuring a cast of 13 from Will's Playshop, including Special Guest Artist, AUSTIN PENDLETON

by Daniel Holzman
Burger and her little brother embark on an epic quest to find their mother, whose recent obsession with techno has taken her to an infinite nightclub city of dreams. A heartbreaking comedy about families in flux in a world where places move.

Heart Stop
written and performed by Franky D. Gonzalez
Catalyzed by two health crises that occurred close to each other, Heart Stop is a solo show following the current, real-time journey of playwright Franky D. Gonzalez as he tries to find a way toward a healthier life while battling against depression, self-loathing, and his constant struggle with obesity.

Out of the Hat
matched by random draw
Loosely inspired by the prompt “fire”

Soirée in the Sky
Please join us on Monday, October 16th at 6:30pm at The Workshop Theater's SOIREE IN THE SKY Fundraiser!It's going to be a fantastic evening in a gorgeous venue (on the 29th floor of One Vanderbilt) featuring delicious food by local French chef Zoe Deleu, copious beverages, live performances of some of our past, present and future work by some very special guests, beautiful views of midtown Manhattan, fun auction items and more!

Marble Rooftop, Emma Has Church
by Eliana Theologides Rodriguez
It’s September 2019— time for Woodview High Dance Team’s sacred annual sleepover, and these seven dancers can’t wait to partake in the yearly rituals that establish their places in the social hierarchy of the team. But what happens when one girl goes too far to prove herself to the rest?

by Nathaniel Foster
Tom loves Oliver, and Oliver loves Tom. As he falls to his death, this is all Tom can seem to remember. Don't Laugh. It's Funny. traces the relationship between two men as they learn from each other, about each other, and challenge the way we view living with a mental illness.

Words Matter "Renewal"
Four world premiere plays working from the word "Renewal" written by four groundbreaking American playwrights: Kia Corthron, Franky D. Gonzalez, Gwydion Suilebhan, and Melisa Tien. Each play will be performed in a concert reading, and in a unique twist, will feature one formerly incarcerated actor. Each playwright created their piece in response to the prompt word "Renewal", which was inspired by the work of Rehabilitation Through the Arts, a remarkable non-profit helping people in prison develop critical life skills through the arts, modeling an approach to the justice system based on human dignity rather than punishment.

A Two Day Festival consisting of A 459th Birthday Celebration with a selection of Scenes, Speeches and Soliloquies featuring Members of WILL'S PLAYSHOP- conceived and directed by Charles E. Gerber with selections from Hamlet, Henry V, Twelfth Night, Richard III, The Merchant of Venice, Macbeth, Richard II, and King Lear and we'll present a Full Concert Reading of “MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING"

Calf Scramble
by Libby Carr
In a barn outside Huntsville, Texas, five Future Farmers of America raise and ruin their prize-winning calves. Calf Scramble is a raucous rodeo of girls playing God and wrangling for power—over their animals, their bodies, and each other.

Jesus 2.0
By Alyssa See-Tho
Directed by Susanna Jaramillo
At the turn of the millennium, a lesbian couple immaculately conceive a new version of Jesus and must navigate the upcoming birth while one of the women believes in God and the other doesn't. A queer retelling of the Christmas story that looks at faith - whether that means believing in God or the people you love and how those don’t have to contradict each other.

Spring Back - Fall Fundraiser Soirée
Please join us on Monday, October 17th at 6:30pm to celebrate live theater (and in-person parties!) springing back to life, and to raise money so The Workshop Theater can continue doing more of both!

Memories of Over-Development
By Caridad Svich
Some plays are a quiet revolution about loud things. Some plays are about the stories we carry in our bones. This play is a film: a documentary about what people remember about dictatorships where they grew up and how they left and how they survived. An enactment of seven startling, personal interviews, inspired by true stories. A rebellious look at where we’ve been and where we are right now.

Celebrating the 458th Birthday of WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE and featuring Scenes from: ROMEO AND JULIET, RICHARD III, MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING, RICHARD II, MACBETH and KING LEAR with at least one Sonnet we all LOVE! Conceived and Directed by Charles E. Gerber and featuring Members of Will's Playshop.

Join us online for the party you don’t want to miss!
We’re coming together to celebrate the artists and programs of The Workshop Theater with a collection of theatrical and musical performances to delight any audience member.

Words Matter "Resilience"
The Workshop Theater presents a special one-night concert reading to benefit Judges & Lawyers Breast Cancer Alert, with plays by Sam Chanse, Ellen McLaughlin, Rehana Lew Mirza, and Caridad Svich.

New Canaan
by Jessica Durdock Moreno
directed by Leslie Kincaid Burby
Bette, 70, a classy lady from Connecticut, will do whatever it takes to throw herself the fabulous birthday dinner party she’s earned and deserves--because no one else will. But when her daughter Mary, 40 and still living at home, attempts to sabotage Bette's efforts, the two women must decide between saving or destroying each other while battling out their lifelong mother-daughter crisis. Will they discover the root of and resolution to their epic love-hate relationship--or they will just do it all over again tomorrow. Featuring Debra Jo Rupp (That 70's Show and Friends) and Erin Treadway.

Words Matter "Touch"
The Workshop Theater presents a special one-night concert reading to benefit Invisible Hands, with plays by Franky Gonzalez, Christina Ham, Aditi Brennan Kapil, and Daria Polatin. Invisible Hands is a volunteer-based non-profit delivering food, medicine, and other essentials to those most in-need and at-risk. Proceeds will support Invisible Hands and the Workshop Theater.

Conceived and Directed by Charles E. Gerber
A Series of Scenes with an Occasional Sonnet by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE in Honor of his 457th Birthday. Entire Scenes and Excerpts from MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM, MACBETH, ROMEO AND JULIET, RICHARD II, AND KING LEAR performed by The Present Members of WILL'S PLAYSHOP.

Tell Me I'm Gorgeous at the End of the World
by Aaron Coleman
Directed by Dominique Rider
The party rages on in a fierce Fire Island home, and nothing will stop it. Not even two unexpected houseguests, who set off a reckoning of apocalyptic proportions. TELL ME I’M GORGEOUS AT THE END OF THE WORLD blows up the tropes of the gay party play—and shakes up theatrical genres quicker than an extra dry martini—to tell the tale of two men seeking a place in their community. But the world has other plans.

The Sofa Soirée
Help us march forth for the arts as we celebrate a sampling of talents from some of our favorite artists, including C.K. Allen, Jed Dickson, Dana Leslie Goldstein, Greg Kalleres, Charlene Kaye, Daria Polatin, Ava Yaghmaie – and many more surprise appearances!!

Out of the Hat
Welcome to The Workshop Theater’s 6th Annual “Out of the Hat” Festival!
45 ACTORS and 21 PLAYWRIGHTS matched by the “luck” of the draw CREATED 22 SHORT PLAYS loosely inspired by the concept of “luck” READ MORE

Gentrified - Metaphor of the Drums
Written by Levy Lee Simon
Directed by Russell G. Jones
The secret affair of an interracial couple becomes complicated when she becomes pregnant and their separate worlds come together. Set against the backdrop of gentrifying Harlem USA, this funny and relevant play explores issues that can only be solved by powers greater than any we know. Those powers are called to earth by the drums.